Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Look up Ryan!"
He is using the grinder on some place where the steering column goes.
Ernie worked on Rayne's steering column today too.
Nice tires, huh Steve?
When Ernie used to race, his number was 4.
4 was already used, so they let Ryan have 4R.

Ryan's first race

Ryan, Rayne's brother, at the Diamond Mountain Speedway. This is his first race EVER. He was so nervous, and excited. Ryan has wanted to race ever since Ernie did, years ago. Now, at age 35, he is finally on the track. He did great! (He has perma-grin now)
He even passed a few cars in his first race.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Schroemges Reunion June 2008

Rayne and Avery in a water battle.
I think Avery is wetter.
One of the pinnacles.... and the antennae. LOL
Another pic of our antennae.

Total cutie pies!

In this photo, Rayne, Suzanna, Avery and others were way up there, at the edge. Rodney was yelling for them to get back - which they did - before I could get a pic of them. (If he hadn't of yelled, I could have got a good shot). EEK
This pinnicle is not as high.
We didn't stay long around the fire. Bunch of old fogies, we went to bed around 10 or so.

We took a long 4-wheeler ride. Way up HIGH! The view was awsome!

The cactus was blooming.

Mom and I go on a 4-wheeler ride every time we go camping, and this is the first time we actually rode instead of stoping every fiew seconds to pick up garbage. (We never take enough sacks). This place is so clean, it was wonderful. We only saw 3 pieces of garbage on our ride.

We missed all who couldn't make it to the reunion.

We had fun in the sun!

I was actually asked by a man if "Swampgas" was really our name. I laughed as I hung the 2nd "Schroemges" sign, and said: "No, but it is easier to pronounce".

We ate good food, had a great visit, tried to get caught up. played by the river.
Thank you Joelle and Monica for making the Swampgas sign, and Nikki for making the Schroemges sign. Thank you to all who came, and to all who couldn't. I love you.

Elks camporee June 2008

Rayne and Suzanna won 3rd in the stocking portion of the 4-wheeler rodeo. They had to run the barrels without letting go or breaking the "leg" of stocking. Fun.

Thanx to the Elks for letting us join our folks, Wayne & Henrietta every year without joining ourselves. We appreciate all the work you do year round.